As a Canadian one of my pet peeves, is hearing the United States of America, being called America. Last I checked, there were three countries in North America, Canada, the USA and Mexico. There are many more countries in central and south America. These people probably find it equally as offensive.
Technically as a Canadian I'm also an American, as I live also in America. If anyone bothers looking at a map! It used to piss me off when I was visiting Belgian relatives in my teens and they would talk in French all about l'Amerique. Same thing, calling the USA the name of a whole continent. More insulting was that to come to visit us in Montreal, they felt they need to fly to New York first and then to Montreal!
I mean sure the USA is a big country that wants itself to be a #1 player in World affairs, but it is very arrogant of them to refer to themselves as Americans like they are the only ones on the continent.
Here's a link to a Life magazine slide show that's on topic "How Canadians know you're an American". If you read the captions on all the photo's, one of them shares my sentiment exactly. :)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The 2nd episode reminds me of MASH
I really enjoyed the 2nd episode of Combat Hospital. This episode really reminds me of M*A*S*H, perhaps a combination of 2 or 3 episodes. I think I'm going to be taking out my MASH DVD's. I'm due for a MASHathon.
It also reminded me a little bit of Army Wives. They really do like to stereotype surgeons though don't they? No matter which show you watch where there are a couple of surgeons as characters, there's always one who's a playboy and womanizer. I wonder if this is just a Hollywood perception or if they really are as stereotyped.
Here's a link to a CBC video about the real Combat hospital in Kandahar.
It also reminded me a little bit of Army Wives. They really do like to stereotype surgeons though don't they? No matter which show you watch where there are a couple of surgeons as characters, there's always one who's a playboy and womanizer. I wonder if this is just a Hollywood perception or if they really are as stereotyped.
Here's a link to a CBC video about the real Combat hospital in Kandahar.
Mice droppings
One of the weirder things that happened to me today is that I opened my desk drawer at work to find some sticky tabs and noticed I have all these pistachios. I didn't remember having pistachios in my top desk drawer. Then upon further examination I realize they are just empty shells. That's when I realized that I also had mouse droppings.
So the company has mice and one in the past month has been going into my top drawer to peacefully eat pistachios. Once I removed all the papers and clips that I keep in there, you could see lots of mouse droppings. This is what the mouse left in my drawer tray:
UGLY Black google bar
Sometime in the past day this ugly black bar appeared on top of my nice personalized iGoogle page. I like it just as it is. I really dislike this toolbar. It's distracting.
But here's the thing, I have yet to find a way to disable the damn thing. Despite using Firefox 5.0 and installing greasemonkey and installing this script I found here and still I have the ugly black bar. UGH. I mean it's one thing added a new feature. It's another thing to just impose something like that. I just want it disabled. Otherwise I won't be using the Google search so much anymore.
I'm not any more impressed with the white one that appeared on my G-mail either. Like lets make a way for users to turn this stuff off if we want to. Has it not occurred to anyone but me that several layers of tabs and pull down just makes it to chaotic for some people. I don't need another layer of menu's and pull downs. I'm already over stimulated as it is.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
One of our Stagieres put out an LP!
A few years back I had hired a student to help out with our Linux testing. He had but the basics but we were happy with him as he did a good job. He's one of those hard working types that doesn't get phased by much.
I kept in touch on Facebook and recently, under the stage name Sage, he's put out an album that has 15 songs "Boulevard des Cicatrices" which translated to English means "Boulevard of scars". It's in Quebecois hip hop/slam style with what I would call a north African influence.
Personally I don't care much for rap of any type, less so for Quebecois music with a few notable exceptions, but I like what Sage has done.
Here's a link to Youtube for the song Trialogue entre Mères and here's a review in French.
I kept in touch on Facebook and recently, under the stage name Sage, he's put out an album that has 15 songs "Boulevard des Cicatrices" which translated to English means "Boulevard of scars". It's in Quebecois hip hop/slam style with what I would call a north African influence.
Personally I don't care much for rap of any type, less so for Quebecois music with a few notable exceptions, but I like what Sage has done.
Here's a link to Youtube for the song Trialogue entre Mères and here's a review in French.
Wet summer and opportunities for Canadian Women.
I had read reports that summer 2011 would be a hot, dry, see droughts, summer. Really? So far the days of summer we've had in Montreal have included rain, hail, rain and more rain. We've had few days were it was sunny, and if it was it wasn't all day.
It's dark and gloomy this morning, today and tomorrow we might have scattered thunderstorms and then Thursday showers, because the scattered thunderstorms weren't enough.
Interesting read about women this morning. Women currently feel they have access to a lot more then their mothers did. I certainly do. I know my mom had little or no rights when I was a baby. I had rights as a single mom in the late 80's that my mom didn't have as a single mom in the early 60's. I'm not sure like the women in the article, if I feel worried for my daughters. I feel they will have at least the same advantages I had growing up and maybe less worries about if they can succeed as women in the world. It was harder to believe though I had women in my family who were successful single women as they were not the norm. Right now my daughters have lots of women who they can look up to for inspiration that are outside their family. I think that rocks.
Of course I worry about the women in Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and other parts of the world where they have little rights and little access to education and I hope that with time their daughters will have access to the same life my daughters do.
It's dark and gloomy this morning, today and tomorrow we might have scattered thunderstorms and then Thursday showers, because the scattered thunderstorms weren't enough.
Interesting read about women this morning. Women currently feel they have access to a lot more then their mothers did. I certainly do. I know my mom had little or no rights when I was a baby. I had rights as a single mom in the late 80's that my mom didn't have as a single mom in the early 60's. I'm not sure like the women in the article, if I feel worried for my daughters. I feel they will have at least the same advantages I had growing up and maybe less worries about if they can succeed as women in the world. It was harder to believe though I had women in my family who were successful single women as they were not the norm. Right now my daughters have lots of women who they can look up to for inspiration that are outside their family. I think that rocks.
Of course I worry about the women in Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and other parts of the world where they have little rights and little access to education and I hope that with time their daughters will have access to the same life my daughters do.
Monday, June 27, 2011
New shoes
Blue Suede Size 5.5 Rockabilly. |

They are so comfortable for a healed shoe. I have a feeling I'll be wearing them a lot this summer. They are so cute too. I have a thing for cute footwear.
You have to admit they look good with the dress!
Really pissed over life's stupid insignificant absurdities
The things that led up to me being pissed off isn't relevant. The real reason I'm pissed off is that my routine is all screwed up because of events beyond my control, and having to get around these events is causing me lots of stress. I also don't deal well with my routine getting screwed. It sucks to admit it but it's the truth.
I also have days where I don't deal well with the small annoyances of life. Some people are more patient with that then with others. Today to top it off I've been playing "Let's change the appointment time again" with my therapist. If it's something I have a hard time with, it's dealing with appointment changes. I can't help but wonder if he does it on purpose, but it drives me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY.
I originally had an appointment on Wednesday at 7pm. Then about 2 weeks ago it was changed to Thursday at 7pm. Today I was asked if I could come at 4pm. No because I'm planning to work till 7pm on Thursday since I'm only in 3 days it will be 3 long days to get through my work. So finally we agreed on Tuesday at 7:30pm which is tomorrow.
I suppose this isn't a bad thing. If I'm still in this mood tomorrow I can talk about why I get so angry over routine disruptions. I always struggle with change. Too much change drives me crazy. Whether it's change I impose on myself or change that others impose on me. The irony is over time I deal well with change and I do adapt but the period where I'm adapting I'm generally really grumpy about it.
I'm trying to think why this kind of change is so hard on me. I've always been like that. Every time I go somewhere new, any time I go somewhere familiar and things change, it stresses me out. And yet at the same time I get bored easily and need this kind of new stimulation, I mean I go out of my way to try out a new grocery store or a new mall. It's not like I never try new stuff, I try new things all the time. But it seems I have low tolerance for new experiences on some days. And on those same days when things don't go my way I feel like I was a 4 year old having a tantrum. I also feel like I have as much control over my emotions as a 4 year old those on those days.
It's sad. My boss, who's been working with me for years knows how poorly I can deal with announcements of change so he has a talk with me first to tell me about changes, knowing fully well it's going to take 2 more weeks before he can have an intelligent conversation with me about it. My first reaction is to see everything that can go wrong and at times on some days, it's like it hits me like a brick and I all I can see it's that the change is bad and I respond very abruptly. I'm not purposefully snappy, it just happens because I'm busy processing the fact there's a change. There's other times where he takes me aside to tell me something he thinks I'm going to react poorly too, and I can feel him bracing himself and I just smile and say "Oh that's nice" and move on to another topic and I'm sure he wonders...
I think I freak out over change because whenever there is a change I have to change part of the process and I already know I have processing issues, really that's what ADHD is about for me. Which means when I have to deal with change I also have to deal with maybe double or triple the processing issues. Which means I make more mistakes and I'm annoyed at doing things differently and keep making mistakes I mean I may be intelligent and generally I'm quick to think and reason stuff out but other things I'm slow to process. Very slow I suspect.
Well trying to figure out why I was pissed today was actually somewhat helpful. I'm not so pissed off anymore. I'm just simmering
Automation woes
I may not be the most technologically savvy person I know but I'm pretty savvy. Comes with working as a PC technician for the past 19 years. I may not be the first to adopt a new technology but I'm usually pretty competent with new technologies.
Admittedly with my paranoia and distrust of the internet for anything that has to do with finances I'm not that keen in tracking my accounts online. I still demand most of the companies I deal with send me paper invoices - just because I'm old school.
During the Canada post strike I've been having to make due with other ways of dealing with paying Bills and it hasn't been a huge success. Both the Fido customer support representative at Fairview and the one over the phone told me I could get my balance directly without talking to a representative using *28. I dunno if anyone has used it successfully but I called 3 times last night and all 3 times when I pressed account balance, was transferred instantly to a representative.
You know what annoys me? It's like going through the automated menu at MasterCard. They ask you to enter your card number, and then once you get a person, you have to tell them all over again. They argue "Yeah well it didn't show up on my screen". Well then perhaps those who design those menus could think about it. Why have person keep putting his card or account number if the person who picks up the phone will ask for it again. What I have nothing better to do? Yeah in the scope of things putting a number in several times isn't a big deal, unless you have ADHD and it takes a lot of focus for me not to mess up a long number. Then people wonder why I find it so incredibly irritating to have to deal with customer service representatives.
So this morning I figured I'd go through the internet based interface at Fido to access my account balance to see if I can get the new phone. Won't be able to get new phone until balance shows 0. Otherwise they want me to pay it upfront. I've already payed it at the bank last week. So I made sure I could log into FIDO but when I try to access my account I get "Sorry! Your request cannot be completed at this time due to a technical issue". So it leaves me with no other option then to call yet another representative. It's highly irritating. Why have 20 ways to access something and in the end none work and you still are stuck talking to a representative.
Admittedly with my paranoia and distrust of the internet for anything that has to do with finances I'm not that keen in tracking my accounts online. I still demand most of the companies I deal with send me paper invoices - just because I'm old school.
During the Canada post strike I've been having to make due with other ways of dealing with paying Bills and it hasn't been a huge success. Both the Fido customer support representative at Fairview and the one over the phone told me I could get my balance directly without talking to a representative using *28. I dunno if anyone has used it successfully but I called 3 times last night and all 3 times when I pressed account balance, was transferred instantly to a representative.
You know what annoys me? It's like going through the automated menu at MasterCard. They ask you to enter your card number, and then once you get a person, you have to tell them all over again. They argue "Yeah well it didn't show up on my screen". Well then perhaps those who design those menus could think about it. Why have person keep putting his card or account number if the person who picks up the phone will ask for it again. What I have nothing better to do? Yeah in the scope of things putting a number in several times isn't a big deal, unless you have ADHD and it takes a lot of focus for me not to mess up a long number. Then people wonder why I find it so incredibly irritating to have to deal with customer service representatives.
So this morning I figured I'd go through the internet based interface at Fido to access my account balance to see if I can get the new phone. Won't be able to get new phone until balance shows 0. Otherwise they want me to pay it upfront. I've already payed it at the bank last week. So I made sure I could log into FIDO but when I try to access my account I get "Sorry! Your request cannot be completed at this time due to a technical issue". So it leaves me with no other option then to call yet another representative. It's highly irritating. Why have 20 ways to access something and in the end none work and you still are stuck talking to a representative.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Daou's Lebanese restaurant
Tonight we went to Daou's Lebanese and Middle Eastern restaurant in Ville St Laurent. We arrived around 4ish well before the dinner crowd. We ordered shanglishe salad, hummous balila, makanek, and a mixed grill, which had shrimp and meat with french fries.
I was disappointed with the shanglishe however, after eating some particularly good shanglishe in Zahle, I don't think I'll ever be thrilled with any other. Hubby though it was good by most standards. He agrees that the hummus balila wasn't as good as mine, apparently I make kick ass hummus balila. Hubby enjoyed the makanek and the shrimp, oh the shrimp, it was absolutely divine. Some of the best shrimp I've had in years. Would go back for the shrimp any day. The fries were nothing special. But I don't go to Lebanese restaurants for french fries.
I've been spoiled. I've gotten to sample Lebanese food in restaurants in different parts of Lebanon, I've gotten to taste some of the best shanglishe, I've also gotten to sample amazing thyme salad, various fish dishes, that I will probably never eat again except if I happen to go back to Lebanon. I also go to try hummus balila and the one I make is very similar to what I first sampled. Both hubby and I love it.
So I'm spoiled. No Lebanese restaurant in Montreal will ever get me to go wow. However of all the Lebanese restaurants I've been to with hubby in Montreal, Daou is the best. I'm sure we'll be going again. It doesn't mean much in some ways. Two of the restaurants I didn't care for, have since closed. One I tried to sample having read amazing reviews had closed. Of those we have sampled that are still around Daou is still the best.
I was disappointed with the shanglishe however, after eating some particularly good shanglishe in Zahle, I don't think I'll ever be thrilled with any other. Hubby though it was good by most standards. He agrees that the hummus balila wasn't as good as mine, apparently I make kick ass hummus balila. Hubby enjoyed the makanek and the shrimp, oh the shrimp, it was absolutely divine. Some of the best shrimp I've had in years. Would go back for the shrimp any day. The fries were nothing special. But I don't go to Lebanese restaurants for french fries.
I've been spoiled. I've gotten to sample Lebanese food in restaurants in different parts of Lebanon, I've gotten to taste some of the best shanglishe, I've also gotten to sample amazing thyme salad, various fish dishes, that I will probably never eat again except if I happen to go back to Lebanon. I also go to try hummus balila and the one I make is very similar to what I first sampled. Both hubby and I love it.
So I'm spoiled. No Lebanese restaurant in Montreal will ever get me to go wow. However of all the Lebanese restaurants I've been to with hubby in Montreal, Daou is the best. I'm sure we'll be going again. It doesn't mean much in some ways. Two of the restaurants I didn't care for, have since closed. One I tried to sample having read amazing reviews had closed. Of those we have sampled that are still around Daou is still the best.
Dubai it's not all Dark for women
Marina Mall in Abu Dhabi - I was taking picture of fountain, woman is incidental. December 2007 |
Wearing an Emirati style matching Abaya and Hijab. This one has a simple pattern some are more fancy |
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Linked from a blog - Emirati women wearing stylish black abaya's. |
From a Western standard we may think our Emirati sisters are being oppressed but from their perspective they have it good. They have access to a free education as far as they would like to go. They have access to careers should they want one. They can marry who they see fit and they can also get a divorce if it didn't work out. They are entitled to a dowry. Even if they chose to stay home, undoubtedly they have help with the children and with the house care. An American woman has a good blog entry about women in contemporary Dubai Culture.
Emirati women and child walking on Dubai beach. One of my original pastel drawings finished 08-03-10 |
I'd would have loved to have pictures of Emirati women to illustrate this blog, but I was respectful of the Emirati's right to privacy and have almost zero photo's of them going about. The ones I do have were incidental shots, and the majority are of Emirati men. I was taking a building or fountain and someone happened to wander through.
Here's other entries on Dubai:
The dark side of Dubai
More on the dark side of Dubai
The dark side of Dubai laws
Dubai Benefits from the Instabilities of the Arab Spring
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Amusing and sad at the same time
Did you know that since Canada post has been on strike they are still advertising? I guess once the advertisements are payed for people don't bother removing them, even if they end up being false advertising.
What a waste of money! I was on the web just a few minutes ago and I was barraged with ads for Canada post as being an efficient way to send a package. Perhaps this will become true, but as of today, if I wanted to send a package I would be hard pressed to be able to send it using Canada post.
I need a new pair of Rafters Antigua style sandals.
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Antigua Rafter red sandals |
What can I say? It is probably the most comfortable flip flop I've ever owned. I have weak ankles and generally if I walk long distances I will need ankle support. These flip flops have sufficient arch support that I can walk all day in them and not get sore feet, sore back, or sore ankles. I walked probably more then 10km at Petra some of it up hill wearing these. I think I might have twisted my foot once, and a minor twist, didn't even hurt the next day. I love the fact that the sandals have a fairly good grip unless the ground is wet tiles. The fact the straps are made of fabric prevents blisters that plastic might give on a hot day. The sole is so flexible that it follows both your foot and the ground you're stepping on, and gives you a good grip for a flip flop.
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Antigua Rafters Green Sandals |
I need new pairs but I cannot find them in Quebec. I cannot find stores that appear to ship them to Canada. I'm so jonesing for a new pair of Rafter Antigua's, size 6. If someone can tell me where to find them near Montreal, Quebec, I'd be forever grateful.
Heck if you scroll down to previous blog entry about Dubai, I'm wearing my red/orange ones on 3 of the pictures. See if you can spot them :P
The dark side of Dubai Laws
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With hubby and our G-Nome at the Fujairah corniche on the Oman Sea in December 2007 |
In the Dubai Desert during a desert safari in December 2007 |
Pack very carefully. Dubai, and the UAE has a zero tolerance drug policy. We're not just talking standard common sense rules that apply to most countries like travelling with marijuana, cocaine or heroin. We're talking about common things like POPPY SEEDS. You had a bun with poppy seeds at the airport somewhere in Europe and they find one on you in Dubai it can land you in jail. So can anything with codeine and various other over the counter medications easily found in most other countries, like allergy medications.You can even be arrested and jailed if someone says you consumed drugs like this man. You'd better have prescriptions for your prescription drugs, otherwise you'll land in jail too. They say prescription from a local doctor, but I suspect if you have just the quantity of medication related for your stay and a script from your doctor that it's probably ok. I didn't have any issues travelling with asthma medications.
Public Beach on Al Sufouh road Dubai December 2007 |
One of my favourite photos because it reminds me of a Club Med ad. Public Beach on Al Sufouh road Dubai February 2007 |
People forget because it appears to be so modern in Dubai, that it's still a Muslim country and they still have rules about intermingling between genders. This is still a somewhat segregated society. Generally you either see people together as a family unit, or you see men hang out together and women hang out together. You rarely see large mixed groups of locals. You can find a copy of the code of conduct here.
Hubby and I hamming for the camera in the Mall of the Emirates in February 2007. |
Dressed in Emirate style Abaya and Hijab. |
However people have been thrown in jail and deported for inappropriate and immodest behaviours. These two Brits were accused of kissing in public. I remember two Brits a few years back who met in a nightclub in Dubai and went on to make out on a beach. Someone complained and they were arrested and thrown in jail. It goes without say that consensual sex will also get you a jail sentence, be it straight or gay sex. Here's the story of 2 men caught having oral sex. Here's the weird story of a trio caught having "illegal sex". Here's another strange story, where cab driver called the police. Also don't have an affair while in Dubai as this woman found out. There's another bizarre story here, where 3 men and 2 women go to jail for 'illegal sex".
Fountain at Marina Mall in Abu Dhabi Notice the cuddling Emirate couple! |
Here's a story about an Emirate woman who was gang raped, who ended up in jail for year for reporting the rape. Here's the story about an Australian woman who landed in jail for reporting a rape. Here's the story of a maid, who gets accused of illegal sex after being raped by the 15 year old son of her employers. Here's the story of a 15 year old girl who was raped by two men who is getting deported. This Emirate woman was raped by her uncle, and ended pregnant and in jail too. This Russian woman claimed to be raped, but was charged with consensual sex.
Top of Jebel Hafeet at sundown, December 2007 |
Among other strange laws, if you attempt to commit suicide and fail, you might land in jail this like this Marine. Also do not take pictures of the locals without first getting their permission. You could be arrested like these women.
Here's an article about shock tactics taken by two embassies to prevent arrest of Britons in both Thailand and the UAE.
On Jebel Hafeet December 2007 |
Admittedly if I had the opportunity to go back I would, as there are still things I'd like to see, like the oasis in Al Ain. I'd also like to visit several castles, ruins, springs, mountains and archaeological sites in Fujairah as well as the Al Bidya Mosque and go on another desert safari and hope not to puke! There's the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi that I'd like to see, I hear it's impressive and it is open to visitors, and there's the pink Jumeira Mosque in Dubai that can be visited, and I'd love to see it too.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Joyeuse St Jean Baptiste !
This wasn't the best St Jean. It rained, at times heavily throughout the day. It wasn't particularly warm either, sucks it was a day off work. If anything this should have been the weather of early June not late June. But it won't stop me from enjoying my 4 day week-end. I really hope it won't rain all 4 days, I still need to do a lot of work in the garden.
This is how today felt.
Syria on St Jean Baptiste Day.
More sanctions are being imposed by the European Union to Syria. In their text they say "By choosing a path of repression instead of fulfilling its own promises on broad reforms, the regime is calling its legitimacy into question". Bashar has been saying the past week that it's the European Union that is being the unrest in Syria, the West along with the Muslim Brotherhood. Because that makes so much sense. I don't think the 'west' as he calls it would encourage a Muslim state, but I digress.
There are now around 12000 refugees in Turkey alone. There have been around 1300 people who have died being killed by the regime, another 10,000 are missing being detained, and I bet that number is higher. They have been using the 10,000 number for weeks. I know Bashar has issued 2 amnesties but how many people has that affected? Who knows? I suspect the number of detainees is higher then 10,000.
I always thought a country's army was there to defend the people of that country. Well not in Syria. The armed forces in Syria are there to keep the rest of the Syrian's oppressed. You have an opinion that's not sanctioned by the regime, we'll beat you, torture you, detain you and if you're really lucky we'll kill you too, this way you won't keep suffering.
Bashar Al Assad could have made a difference. He could have brought his country into the 21st century in terms of human rights and economic reforms. Instead he chose to be a dictator and that will be his undoing. Mark my words, once it's all over, he won't be among the living. He will be forever remembered as a butcher.
There are now around 12000 refugees in Turkey alone. There have been around 1300 people who have died being killed by the regime, another 10,000 are missing being detained, and I bet that number is higher. They have been using the 10,000 number for weeks. I know Bashar has issued 2 amnesties but how many people has that affected? Who knows? I suspect the number of detainees is higher then 10,000.
I always thought a country's army was there to defend the people of that country. Well not in Syria. The armed forces in Syria are there to keep the rest of the Syrian's oppressed. You have an opinion that's not sanctioned by the regime, we'll beat you, torture you, detain you and if you're really lucky we'll kill you too, this way you won't keep suffering.
Bashar Al Assad could have made a difference. He could have brought his country into the 21st century in terms of human rights and economic reforms. Instead he chose to be a dictator and that will be his undoing. Mark my words, once it's all over, he won't be among the living. He will be forever remembered as a butcher.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
New Canadian TV show
I had seen an ad or two online for Combat Hospital a little while ago and didn't think much of it. When I looked at some of the previews a couple of nights ago, I started to wonder. I've been a huge fan of M*A*S*H and of China Beach. The first showing surgeons from the Korean war, the second showcases the nurses of Vietnam.
This one seems to be based on an ISAF ally hospital in Kandahar, and the life of doctors and nurses who are from Canada, the USA, the UK and Australia. Of course I was curious to see if it was more like Mash or like China Beach. Obviously it's going to be it's own show, but I think it's going to be more like China Beach :)
I enjoyed the first episode. I like the character of the female Canadian surgeon. She's got chutzpah! We'll see how the show develops. But so far I like it.
This one seems to be based on an ISAF ally hospital in Kandahar, and the life of doctors and nurses who are from Canada, the USA, the UK and Australia. Of course I was curious to see if it was more like Mash or like China Beach. Obviously it's going to be it's own show, but I think it's going to be more like China Beach :)
I enjoyed the first episode. I like the character of the female Canadian surgeon. She's got chutzpah! We'll see how the show develops. But so far I like it.
Co-worker a bit of an exhibitionist
I mentioned a while ago that I work in a male dominated industry. There's only 4 women who work under my boss, and about 25 men. One of the other women, I was hearing comments months ago when she was working alone with a guy in a team. One of the comments the guys had was that she doesn't wear a bra.
I hadn't noticed it myself, I don't check out women's breasts as a rule, but I remember one day the shirt she was wearing was rather tight and she was cold and she had massive headlights. That's when I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra. I remember mentioning it to the gf who works with me and she commented, she'd been hearing about it from the guys for a while. Of course none of the guys would ever say it to her.
Today this same woman is wearing a long white dress. She's not wearing a bra or a slip. When she walked away earlier pushing a trolley, you could see her underwear clear as day. This white dress isn't leaving anything to the imagination and I can't help but imagine what if she left and it was raining. Can you say Wet-Tshirt?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Vancouver riots much like Montreal
I've been reading more in the newspaper about the rioting in Vancouver after the loss of the game. Heck I even checked out a "conspiracy theory" video about the riots on Youtube. Here's my take on it:
On the first couple of nights they had the giant screens downtown Vancouver the police and security managed to keep the amount of people entering the area under control and the area securely cordoned off. On the night of the riot, a large number of youths rushed one of the entry points and managed to get in. Once one of the entry points was breached, they opened all the others because people need a place to leave from, if people just pour in. Obviously it was handled poorly.
Once one of the gates was breached, people should have been warned. The conspiracy buff thinks they did it on purpose to create a riot situation. I don't think so. Perhaps fact the previous nights were more quiet, security got more complacent, less well coordinated? Stranger things have happened. Sometimes it's the ego of people who lead the teams that cause lack of teamwork and coordination between the various police forces used.
If there's one thing I've learned living in Montreal, it's to sniff the riots before they happen. I really have a strong aversion to angry mobs. You would think most people do right? However I know some seem drawn to being part of a mob, especially a rioting one. I stay well away from them if I can help it. So whether or not I care about hockey or watch hockey, I generally know when the Montreal Canadians play in playoffs to avoid downtown Montreal those nights like the plague.
I can't say I know what prompted me not to go to the Metallica/GnR concert in 1992 that turned nasty, because I was a huge fan of both. I also avoided the mob at the Genesis concert at Jarry Park in 1982, because I was sitting at the far end of the park nowhere near the stage or stadium for that matter. I'd already seen Genesis at the Forum earlier that year and didn't have budget to see them again, but I figured I could listen for free. That kept me away from crowds and problems.
I mean if there's something predictable it's the rioting after hockey games. The Canadians don't even have to be playing at home for it to happen either. I remember when I was living in a triplex in RDP, in 1986 that year the Canadians won the Stanley cup. I remember the night well it was quite warm out so the windows were opened. I was watching the game, neighbours were cheering so loud. By the middle of the 3rd period many of them poured out into the streets and into their cars. Some just drove around the neighbourhood honking and cheering and making noise, others went downtown and joined what became the riot of 1986. I didn't need to be there to know it was going to happen. Perhaps it's because 5 of Canada's hockey riots happened in Montreal. The remaining ones were 2 in Vancouver and one in Edmonton. Here's a list. Out of the 5 that happened I was an adult for 4 of them.
I know that for the duration of the playoffs, each night the Canadians played, large number of police was deployed in the downtown core in 2011. I also know when Montrealers rioted in 2010, many of them were found via photos and videos taken from cellphones by other people in the crowd. I've been reading many people who are against this policing by social media. It's funny too, because some of them who are adamant that it's not cool to tell on your friends to the cops or to tell on anyone to the cops using photos and videos on your cell phone, are the same people who support the protesters in Syria against the regime and support their use of the photos and videos taken from cell phones. Which leads me to think that a percentage of people here who support the Syrians are just supporting them to be anti authority and anti police and not really pro-democracy? Just pondering out loud here.
I wonder how those same people are enjoying their tax dollars go up in flames each time a kid decides it's a good idea to torch a police car? I don't think throwing them in jail is the solution either. You just turn them more criminal. No you torched a police car? That's a bill for 50k [Or whatever the cost is for the car that was damaged]. You can pay it up front if you have that kind of cash, you don't well, now you have car payments for the next 5 years. Put them all to work to pay for what they destroyed. Was going to school full time ? Sorry, now you're working full time on restitution.
One comment I read on one of the news articles I read said "What's the big deal? The stores affect just collect from their insurance. No one got killed". No. But again they need to be held accountable. Besides it's reasoning like this that made my insurance bill 30% steeper this year.
There has to be a fine balance. Vancouver was screaming not too long ago that their police were too aggressive. Now as an aftermath of this riot Vancouver is screaming their police is too passive. We have also been screaming in Montreal recently after that innocent bystander was shot by police, and should they have been shooting in this situation? Lets not forget how at the G20/G8 event, they were arresting Quebecois to prevent them from doing illegal things? Last I checked going to protest an event is not illegal. That was a horrible abuse of power right there. Read more.
Somehow the police force has to be able to anticipate riot creating events, such as hockey games for us crazy Canucks, and deploy enough men and use just enough reasonable force to keep large groups of people from turning into a rioting mob, without themselves turning on the people. Such a fine line between a police state and a lawless state...
Monday, June 20, 2011
One week vacation is too short!
I didn't do much other then weed some of my flower beds and do some laundry. I spent most of my week off doing nothing. It's funny I'm nearing 50 and I always feel guilty when I do nothing. I figure I should be doing something more important. There's always something important to do and when I do nothing I feel guilty.
Funny thing about growing up Catholic - even if you drop it at some point in your life, the guilt remains. It's so easy for people to play with that guilt and make me feel less then nothing just with a little guilt. One thing I don't feel guilty about is that I did get some rest. I feel well-rested, but one week isn't enough.
Well I did finish a few pastels including one done all yesterday. I like it a lot - called Syria's Spotty Future. Sadly it remains that spotty after Assad's speech which had nothing new to say. I mean the fact he was calling for refuges to come back home, that the army was there to protect them. Some refuges in Turkey are saying "Go home so they can finish us off". Sadly that's how much credibility Bashar Al Assad has nowadays. His own people are seeing him as a butcher.
We still have no mail and it's becoming a HUGE PITA for me as I have to find all my bills and take them to the bank. The only one I can't do that with is my dentist bill. Not sure how I'm going to pay it. Drive the cheque over? Gonna have to figure it out.
Funny thing about growing up Catholic - even if you drop it at some point in your life, the guilt remains. It's so easy for people to play with that guilt and make me feel less then nothing just with a little guilt. One thing I don't feel guilty about is that I did get some rest. I feel well-rested, but one week isn't enough.
Well I did finish a few pastels including one done all yesterday. I like it a lot - called Syria's Spotty Future. Sadly it remains that spotty after Assad's speech which had nothing new to say. I mean the fact he was calling for refuges to come back home, that the army was there to protect them. Some refuges in Turkey are saying "Go home so they can finish us off". Sadly that's how much credibility Bashar Al Assad has nowadays. His own people are seeing him as a butcher.
We still have no mail and it's becoming a HUGE PITA for me as I have to find all my bills and take them to the bank. The only one I can't do that with is my dentist bill. Not sure how I'm going to pay it. Drive the cheque over? Gonna have to figure it out.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
New pastels inspired mostly by Arab Spring
Through most of the spring I've drawn my inspiration from the Arab Spring. Some drawings are more inspired then others.
I think I've linked this one before, but I feel it's part of the series so I'm linking it again, Arab women walking away.
This one is called Lebanese March for Secularism, it's self-explanatory.
This one is of Syrian women watching the sunset - inspired by current events in Syria.
This one is dedicated to Hamza AlKhateeb, it's called "Mosque in Damascus under a blood red sky".
Last but not least, one silly one made of spots, called "Syria's spotty Future". I say it's silly but it's also very serious. The red spots, each one represents the bloodshed.
I have one more, which has nothing to do with the Arab Spring but I'm including it just to be thorough, there is nothing special about it, but it was all I had to give that particular day I would suppose.
More on the dark side of Dubai
Dubai Desert December 2007 - Its all sand. Nothing else. |
You can have 5 people in an office doing the same job and each will be earning a different salary based on their ethnic background. The lower down the scale you are the less rights you have. Companies might find it difficult to ask westerners to give their passports to their employers for "safe keeping", but most employees from other parts of the world will give them up. Once the guy you work for has your passport, he can pretty much have you do what he wants. It's when your 9-5 job is no longer 9-5 and you really have no leverage because they have your passport. It may also be when your $4000 per month job suddenly becomes a $2000 per month job as well.
Sheik Zayed Road going towards new Dubai in rush hour, December 2007 |
Then there are living arrangement scams. When my hubby first arrived in Dubai in 2006, rents were pretty steep, you know the whole supply and demand. Also unlike here where you might be asked first and last months rent, they expect the whole years rent to be paid up front. Imagine, you've just arrived in Dubai, and you need to pay up front the entire years rent. So this is where your company comes in graciously to give you a loan and pays your apartment for you.
Fountain at the mall of the Emirates in Dubai UAE |
At the same time every luxury type store is available in Dubai. From memory the top floor of the Mall of Emirates has a lot of the top European designers boutiques. It's also reasonably easy to get a loan. So those who arrive get fancy cars on credit. It's very easy to drive a Mercedes or a convertible Mustang in Dubai. It's easy to get lost in the glam. So long as you have a job, they practically run after you to offer you credit and lure you into spending money you don't have.
Why buy a car? You really couldn't get around other then by CAB if you didn't own your own car. Public transport was really non-existent back in 2006. I know they have opened a subway/train type system now, but I'm not sure how many people it really benefits. Travelling by taxi is a joke. Most taxi drivers couldn't find their way out of a brown paper bag. Calling for a cab means having lots of time to wait. Even if you can get into a cab, if you don't know where you are going, good luck ever getting there. Maps are almost useless as every other day they decide to change the roads to accommodate new roads or new construction.
For those who think "Ride a bike" or "walk" or "in-line skate". For starters there are no sidewalks anywhere for pedestrians [Except maybe in the old Dubai in the tiny little streets]. It used to amaze me to see South-Asian workers run across 10 lane highways between cars coming at them at up to 160km per hour. Also try walking in 50C heat for more then 10 minutes. You will feel like you've been BBQ'ed, One of the things people told me looking at my Dubai pictures were "Where are the people it looks deserted". Well they aren't outside in the sun, no matter how much glitzy buildings and artificially sustained trees they put out there, it's still the DESERT!!!!
Suddenly lose your job, they tell the bank probably before they fire you. The next day your accounts are frozen and you have no job, no means of supporting yourself, and often no way of finding another job. And you end up as one of the destitute in Dubai, who don't have their paperwork, either the bank or your employer kept your passport, and you cannot leave. Dubai also has laws to prevent you to leave if you owe money. But everything is set up to make you fail. Other then relying on help from family and friends, either in Dubai or elsewhere you're pretty much shit out of luck.
Burj Khalifa - still in construction in December 2007 |
Construction in the Dubai Marina area of New Dubai - February 2007 |
Never mind those crazy people who bought properties in the various Palm projects or The World. I think most of those projects have been stopped and I'm sure any money people have payed for these properties is long gone.
Here's something else. Who builds large high rises in the SAND???? I mean I don't care what the construction companies told the investors but my gut tells me that about half of the buildings won't survive 20 years with the current conditions in Dubai. When you build a building it has to be on solid foundations. How solid is a foundation built on sand? I don't care how many layers of concrete were put on top of the sand, I still know it's a disaster waiting to happen. Some buildings have already started to sink less then 10 years later. Heck one building's entire facade fell in 2009 several days after workers reported the ground sinking. It wasn't even finished.
You can see how the poor live in shacks and tents in the desert. |
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The dark side of Dubai
How to make Dubai appear like a paradise. It's still the desert. |
They love it in Dubai. Until something goes wrong and suddenly they can't leave because they are so in debt and there is no such thing as bankruptcy in Dubai. Not something that most people know when they arrive in Dubai originally thinking it's going to be paradise, or at least a place to make quick money.
Taken in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE - workers being moved like cattle in a glorified pickup truck December 2007 |
South-Asian workers sit in the tiny bit of shade waiting for their bus along Sheik Zayed road near Marina Diamond buildings, Dubai, UAE Taken February 2007. |
Dubai skyline December 2007 seen from Emirates road E311 |
One of the thing I loved about the article I linked above, was this line " All the people who couldn't succeed in their own countries end up here, and suddenly they're rich and promoted way above their abilities and bragging about how great they are. I've never met so many incompetent people in such senior positions anywhere in the world".
Friday, June 17, 2011
Saudi women drive around Saudi Arabia Today
Rumours of some Saudi women driving around themselves today have been heard. They are encouraging women who have driving licences from other countries to use them to drive around Saudi Arabia.
It's pretty sad when Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that prevents women from driving. The rationale is that if women know how to drive, it will permit them to associate more freely with strange men. The society in Saudi Arabia is still very segregated.
You gotta wonder about societies where they treat half of the population like 2nd class citizens. Women have consistently proven in various societies that if given the opportunity they can do just about anything men can.
Courage Saudi sisters, keep fighting for your rights.
It's pretty sad when Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that prevents women from driving. The rationale is that if women know how to drive, it will permit them to associate more freely with strange men. The society in Saudi Arabia is still very segregated.
You gotta wonder about societies where they treat half of the population like 2nd class citizens. Women have consistently proven in various societies that if given the opportunity they can do just about anything men can.
Courage Saudi sisters, keep fighting for your rights.
It's Friday and it means more protests in Syria
Syrians took to the streets in large numbers today again after Friday prayers. As much as the military forces are beating down the North East of the country, elsewhere people are out in numbers in the streets to protest. It is said that marches took place after Friday prayers in Homs, Hama, Deraa, Der al-Zour, Jableh and other cities, including various suburbs of Damascus.
More then 9000 people are in refugee camps in Turkey but that hasn't stopped them from peaceful protests either. They don't want to be forgotten because they left the country. Turkey is also preparing care packages for the 10,000 Syrians on the border getting ready to cross should things get worse.
I realize that the Syrians in Syria get very little information through outside sources since the crackdown and it amazes me the depth of their courage to go out there knowing that it could be their last day.
I keep hoping this week is the week that the Assad government falls, but my Lebanese husband tells me that there will be much more bloodshed before it's all over. I find this difficult to believe. How people can kill their neighbours like that. Especially in a country that prides itself for making it's population literate. You'd think people would think twice before shooting at crowds of unarmed peaceful protesters.
I do realize that not all the protesters have been peaceful. But after the armed forces start shooting with no regard for life, I'm not surprised some just take to arms and return eye for eye. It is said that in some protests men go bare chested to clearly show that they are peaceful and not armed.
More then 9000 people are in refugee camps in Turkey but that hasn't stopped them from peaceful protests either. They don't want to be forgotten because they left the country. Turkey is also preparing care packages for the 10,000 Syrians on the border getting ready to cross should things get worse.
I realize that the Syrians in Syria get very little information through outside sources since the crackdown and it amazes me the depth of their courage to go out there knowing that it could be their last day.
I keep hoping this week is the week that the Assad government falls, but my Lebanese husband tells me that there will be much more bloodshed before it's all over. I find this difficult to believe. How people can kill their neighbours like that. Especially in a country that prides itself for making it's population literate. You'd think people would think twice before shooting at crowds of unarmed peaceful protesters.
I do realize that not all the protesters have been peaceful. But after the armed forces start shooting with no regard for life, I'm not surprised some just take to arms and return eye for eye. It is said that in some protests men go bare chested to clearly show that they are peaceful and not armed.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Women have it worst in Afghanistan
The top 5 worst countries to be a woman in descending order are: Afghanistan, Congo, Pakistan, Indian & Somalia.
Most were shocked to find out there are worst places to be then Somalia. I've just spent the past hour lost on Wikipedia looking up such things as FGC and other problems facing women of most of those countries. Apparently 87% of women in Afghanistan have never been to school and are illiterate. Most women of the countries listed have little or no access to medical care. In Congo, there is so much rape, it's why it's up there on the list.
We need less straight white men who blog as lesbians and more people who help the condition of women in these countries, so that they can learn how to read and write, have access to a minimum of health care, be allowed to chose who they marry and who they have sex with, and so they no longer get treated as chattel and get sold to the highest bidder. One of the only ways to do it is via education. Children in these countries, both boys and girls have to be taught human rights, and gender equality.
Of course not only in these countries. These are currently the worst in the world for woman's rights but not the only countries where women have few rights. Saudi Arabia comes to mind as the only country where women aren't allowed to drive. I also hope that societies where men and women are constantly segregated eventually come to see that segregation is worse for people then mixing both genders together.
I know it takes time. I mean I remember when I was a little girl, there was a certain amount of gender segregation too. In large gatherings all the women would end up in the kitchen and all the men in the living room. Certain jobs women didn't do when I was little, but I was raised by women who believed women could do anything men could do. In fact I think my family was very disappointed when my dream of being a medical doctor didn't materialize.
My family can be proud to know that I've worked in a non-traditional job all my adult life. Including my boss we are 22 under his supervision. Only 4 of us are women. 2 out of 13 in Software and Hardware Quality Assurance, and 2 out of 8 in scripting for SQA. There are currently no women in the Software development team - they are probably around 50, and there are a few in ASIC and hardware, but we're talking 2 out of 40 or 50 men in each case.
Some of the guys in software have been saying for year that their job environment is unnatural. That in real life there are much more women. It's not the company who discriminates against women. Very few ever apply. When I get stacks of resumes from universities sometimes I get 2 out of 40 resumes from women. I do try to interview all the women who apply for my jobs, but it doesn't mean I'm going to hire them if they aren't the best candidate. Like this summer, we have 3 male stagieres. I know we interviewed several women, but they didn't' impress me as much as these guys did. I have no regrets, these students are working out perfectly.
I'm always happy when I can not only hire a female, but when she comes from a country where women don't have much rights. Earlier this year I had a female student who was from Senegal. I hear the human rights there are better then in the countries I've listed above, but they still have a lot of work to do . I was glad to show her a work environment from Canada. I know that she gave me 100% of what she could do. She overcame language barriers and societal barriers in her stage. She was the first female student I had working for me who was also a mother of a small child.
I admired her courage and determination. I found it sad, that she was so isolated being a full time student and married and mother of a 3 year old, that she is considering going back home after her studies are over. I hope for her sake she changes her mind by the time she is finished her education. I hope she runs into another engineering student with a small child that has similar responsibilities with who she can bond and feel part of Canadian society. No matter how hard a time she is having here, I know she would face discrimination in her country and may never be able to work as a engineer where as here in Canada she would be able to.
Most were shocked to find out there are worst places to be then Somalia. I've just spent the past hour lost on Wikipedia looking up such things as FGC and other problems facing women of most of those countries. Apparently 87% of women in Afghanistan have never been to school and are illiterate. Most women of the countries listed have little or no access to medical care. In Congo, there is so much rape, it's why it's up there on the list.
We need less straight white men who blog as lesbians and more people who help the condition of women in these countries, so that they can learn how to read and write, have access to a minimum of health care, be allowed to chose who they marry and who they have sex with, and so they no longer get treated as chattel and get sold to the highest bidder. One of the only ways to do it is via education. Children in these countries, both boys and girls have to be taught human rights, and gender equality.
Of course not only in these countries. These are currently the worst in the world for woman's rights but not the only countries where women have few rights. Saudi Arabia comes to mind as the only country where women aren't allowed to drive. I also hope that societies where men and women are constantly segregated eventually come to see that segregation is worse for people then mixing both genders together.
I know it takes time. I mean I remember when I was a little girl, there was a certain amount of gender segregation too. In large gatherings all the women would end up in the kitchen and all the men in the living room. Certain jobs women didn't do when I was little, but I was raised by women who believed women could do anything men could do. In fact I think my family was very disappointed when my dream of being a medical doctor didn't materialize.
My family can be proud to know that I've worked in a non-traditional job all my adult life. Including my boss we are 22 under his supervision. Only 4 of us are women. 2 out of 13 in Software and Hardware Quality Assurance, and 2 out of 8 in scripting for SQA. There are currently no women in the Software development team - they are probably around 50, and there are a few in ASIC and hardware, but we're talking 2 out of 40 or 50 men in each case.
Some of the guys in software have been saying for year that their job environment is unnatural. That in real life there are much more women. It's not the company who discriminates against women. Very few ever apply. When I get stacks of resumes from universities sometimes I get 2 out of 40 resumes from women. I do try to interview all the women who apply for my jobs, but it doesn't mean I'm going to hire them if they aren't the best candidate. Like this summer, we have 3 male stagieres. I know we interviewed several women, but they didn't' impress me as much as these guys did. I have no regrets, these students are working out perfectly.
I'm always happy when I can not only hire a female, but when she comes from a country where women don't have much rights. Earlier this year I had a female student who was from Senegal. I hear the human rights there are better then in the countries I've listed above, but they still have a lot of work to do . I was glad to show her a work environment from Canada. I know that she gave me 100% of what she could do. She overcame language barriers and societal barriers in her stage. She was the first female student I had working for me who was also a mother of a small child.
I admired her courage and determination. I found it sad, that she was so isolated being a full time student and married and mother of a 3 year old, that she is considering going back home after her studies are over. I hope for her sake she changes her mind by the time she is finished her education. I hope she runs into another engineering student with a small child that has similar responsibilities with who she can bond and feel part of Canadian society. No matter how hard a time she is having here, I know she would face discrimination in her country and may never be able to work as a engineer where as here in Canada she would be able to.
They riot in Vancouver too, when they lose the Stanley Cup
One of the things I've always hated about Montreal is that when the Canadians play in Stanley cup finals, whether the game is played at home or away, there are often revellers angry at lost or jubilant for a win, who take to the streets, and among them there is always a rioting/looting element. I mean even protests for a cause end up with rioters/looters, who take advantage of the situation to damage store fronts and steal merchandise. Others just like breaking things and putting cars on fire.
I know the last time it happened in Montreal, people came forward with video's and photo's taken on their cell phones to help police. This seems to be a new trend. I guess people like me who find it appalling that every time a large group amasses in Montreal, a riot breaks out, who are helping police identify those who cause the problems so they can be brought to justice.
After the game in Vancouver last night, which sadly the Canucks lost 4-0 to Boston, there was rioting in the streets of Vancouver. Before the evening was over there was two new Facebook groups. One who's aim is to ID the rioters, that attracted 20,000 people in less then 12 hours, and a second who's aim was to clean up the mess left after the riot in Vancouver. I applaud those who came up with these groups. If citizens who are concerned for their city get together like this in the future there will be a lot less rioting in Canada. People do it in large groups because they figure they can get away with it. If they no longer get away with it, they will think twice before damaging someone else property.
I generally try to avoid being part of large groups of people because I know most often then not there is a component that encourages violence, looting and rioting. Perhaps thanks to social media and camera phones I'll have to spend less time worrying where I should not be and more time enjoying myself.
I know the last time it happened in Montreal, people came forward with video's and photo's taken on their cell phones to help police. This seems to be a new trend. I guess people like me who find it appalling that every time a large group amasses in Montreal, a riot breaks out, who are helping police identify those who cause the problems so they can be brought to justice.
After the game in Vancouver last night, which sadly the Canucks lost 4-0 to Boston, there was rioting in the streets of Vancouver. Before the evening was over there was two new Facebook groups. One who's aim is to ID the rioters, that attracted 20,000 people in less then 12 hours, and a second who's aim was to clean up the mess left after the riot in Vancouver. I applaud those who came up with these groups. If citizens who are concerned for their city get together like this in the future there will be a lot less rioting in Canada. People do it in large groups because they figure they can get away with it. If they no longer get away with it, they will think twice before damaging someone else property.
I generally try to avoid being part of large groups of people because I know most often then not there is a component that encourages violence, looting and rioting. Perhaps thanks to social media and camera phones I'll have to spend less time worrying where I should not be and more time enjoying myself.
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