Saturday, July 31, 2021


 I have this thing where half the time I have no clue what I'm feeling.  So I end up blowing up over a stupid comment about nothing. And it often surprises me as much as the person I just blew up at. 

I've been upset about work, about my old boss for months but hadn't been able to verbalize it or put it in words. I was able to tell some to Dave but his sudden death makes me feel like those thoughts died along with him.  

I rarely dream but since I retired I've been having nightmares every night about the computer equipment I left behind. I wake up all upset thinking about the hardware layouts I was testing with. 

Change is hard and this year has been nothing but change. Change in how everything we do, was changes at work, changes with my home being purged of extraneous junk... it's too much.  I feel so lost. 

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