Monday, April 05, 2021

Reactive Hypoglycemia

 At some point in my early 30's I was given a 5 hour Glucose Tolerance Test after which my family dr at the time told me I had 'episodes' of hypoglycemia. His suggestions was to eat every 3 hours, first thing when I wake up, last thing before going to.sleep 

It made sense. As an infant I was also a 3 hour baby. I did research and adapted my diet so my sugar were more consistent as opposed to going up & down drastically. I realized the sugar highs and  lows really affect my mood. 

I'd never taken sugar readings because after a few years of experimenting with food I found carbs bring my sugars up quickly whereas protein help keeping my sugars more constant. 

A few months ago my current family doctor wanted me to get a fasting blood sugar test as the one she had me do in 2019 showed slightly high fasting sugar in the high 5's which fasting can be a prediabetic sugar level. 

I talked to a diabetic co worker and picked up a contour next One glucose meter. My doctor was concerned that my 'reactive hypoglycemia' had turned to diabetes. Personally I argued that it didn't feel different. 

I did find that the longer I fast the higher my fasting blood sugar is. I've recorded it as high as 6.4 after close to 12 hours fasting. I'm also not exercising much since the beginning of the pandemic. 

I had a bad day earlier this week. Went to Costco to pick up medication and when I came back I felt like a sugar low. Was right meter said 4.4 I ate 2 slices of Domino's gluten free pacific veggie pizza. One hour later was at 8.3, 3 hours later was back at 4.6. Ate something high in protein, sugar levels stopped yoyoing. 

So I discovered that the way I had modified my diet, high in protein low in refined sugars & flours actually do keep my sugars constant. And i suspect if I had a daily walk even my fasting morning sugars might be a touch lower. When my sugars go from 5 to 6 between fasting and after meals I feel better overall. 

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