Saturday, April 17, 2021

Matching gardening aprons for daughter & granddaughter.

 Samantha asked me to make her a gardening apron sometime last fall. I found some thick cotton canvas at Fabricville and used a 1940's kitchen apron pattern to make Samantha's apron.  I basically made it as long as the pocket and used the extra length to double it to make it more solid so that garden shears, and other assorted items don't feel too heavy.

For Mado I used a normal apron pattern that I shortened and added a pocket.  I didn't make hers as sturdy as I figured she would mostly use it to carry garden pickings like cherry tomatoes...

 I like working with patterns because my sense of size varies. I'm not good at figuring out the base size for anything. At least with a pattern it's a starting point and I modify around it accordingly. You could argue I should use a measuring tape and measure. Sure. I can. BUT I mix numbers in my head so often that it's best if I don't do that. I can forget halfway that I meant to use a 1/2" seam but then realized I did a 5/8" seam. Never fails .So I don't trust my brain to size things properly.

Gardening Apron for Mado

Gardening apron for Sam

I modified B to make the Apron

Sporting the aprons

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