Saturday, November 23, 2013

I looooooooooove black mission figs.

I love them dried, I can eat an entire bag. Loblaws sells them under no name label. I also love fig squares. I've been experimenting with making gluten free fig squares that are also high in protein, to offset the sweetness in the figs. I used a mix of almond and coconut flours, to make the batter. I still need to tweak the recipe, I used coconut oil as my fat and it did not work well enough for the consistency of the batter. The end result was too crumbly.   Once I get a good recipe going I'll post it. Fig squares are just as much like crack then Larabars.

I also made some socca, an Italian chickpea bread.  This time instead of making it with fresh rosemary I seasoned it with zaatar halabi, fresh ground pepper and dried garlic and onion flakes . It was ok. Still have to work to see if I can make it so it cooks more evenly with the olive oil, but it's still yummy for a flat bread.

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