Friday, May 10, 2019

The Migraine from Hell and other horror stories: Part I

It started off with a day at the office where the temperature was vacillating between 27 and 28 C but it was under 10C outside. I was dressed for the cold weather. Which made it unbearable. By the end of the day I was completely crashed. That was April 26th

I ended up hiding in my sewing room in the dark and in the quiet. My ears were ringing pretty bad and my eyes were burning. The burning eyes had happened at least 3 times in the past week, the tinnitus is there so often I don't notice it unless it's really bad or really quiet. HA quiet. Work has become 10 times noisier, what between my favourite helicopter, the HP DL380 Gen 10, or my 2nd favourite the Dell R740, both which reside near my desk and sound like a motherfucking helicopter when they power on. And depending on the mode you're running it, could be helicopter all the time. 

But I digress, then there's was the fear of being flooded. KNOCK ON WOOD, all the repairs done in 2017 have held up and no water seepage has been observed. Even the sump pump hole water level is low.  But with another heavy rain storm Im staying vigilant. We checked the sump pump hole every half hour at some points. To keep my anxiety at bay.

I spent Saturday and Sunday hiding in my sewing room feeling super dizzy and nauseous and becoming more light and sound sensitive. I stayed home monday and Tuesday,  managed Wednesday and Thursday.. but Thursday AGAIN the heat. I went to therapist. He could see I was off and agitated. I crashed so bad when I got home from that appointment.  Friday I was home again in the dark and quiet but it was so bad. so bad.  I just lay in bed in a semi catatonic state hoping it would get better. I couldn't even handle anything moving around me. Vibrations made me ill.  It's not pain it causes but I get so uncomfortable I can't function.

After spending all of Saturday in bed in the dark and quiet again Terry insisted on the ER. He'd been bugging me for days but I kept hoping it would pass. My migraines have always passed alone with sleep, quiet and dark, This one not so much.

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