Thursday, April 23, 2015

Slut shamming starts really young - in Kindergarten apparently....

Slut shaming is only done to girls. I have never seen once a boy be sent home from school for inappropriate dress. It is always the girls. Either  the dress is too short or the top is too revealing. 

Of course you are aware that the revealing clothes is made in all sizes for girls, but there is no such thing that is considered inappropriate for boys...  except maybe  in some jurisdiction where they decide your son should cut his hair. That's usually the only thing that happens to boys. 

This blog post from a dad in Houston really makes a good point. His 5 year old was sent home for wearing a sundress!   Since when are the shoulders of a 5 year old girl 'SEXY' or too revealing?  I mean the 5 year old boy's shoulders look exactly fucking the same!!!

I don't remember how young I was the first time I was called a slut. Not even sure why I was called a slut. The first time was probably just because another girl didn't like me. Then it was because I liked to play with boys.  I was a tomboy, boys were far more interesting to play with then girls in my early teens. They weren't all about looks and makeup, they were more active, they rode their bikes, played baseball, made slingshots out of old tire inner tubes, and used some form of crab apples as ammunition. 

Of course as you get older the term slut gets bandied about because someone doesn't like what  you're wearing. It doesn't matter that you're showing far less then in a music video, it's the other person's morals and their perception of whether they like you that plays, nothing to do with your morals. 

I was a virgin till well into my 17th year, I'd been called a slut from 10 onwards by various people. Of course after I was raped, the slut shamming was far stronger.  It took easily 10 years for me to stop feeling responsible for my rape.   Not sure if my mom slut shamed me when she found out I was raped, but she sure did when she found out I'd been on the pill at 19.  Yes...  How nice of my mom to call me a slut for having been on the pill!  

I never slut shamed my daughters.   The only comment I made to my eldest about how to dress is the more she shows with her clothes, the more boys from 9 to men aged 99 will look at her as an object of desire.  Hell they will look at her too even if she is dressed from head to toe. I've seen boys  & men drool over Muslima's covered from head to toe and veiled.  

I have had my daughters try to do it to me once. At some point during their teens, they came home from their dads and inside my own home I was wearing spandex shorts and a spandex halter/bra type.  One daughter commented about what I was wearing. I asked her if I was allowed to clean my house on a hot day in clothes that were comfortable?   I was in my OWN FUCKING HOME and I get questioned on my clothes?  I made it clear that what I wear is my own choice and that I was never going to put up with this crap from them.   Of course I realize that my daughters at the time were trying to figure out where they stood.  I would hope that they no longer slut shame anyone.  

You can dislike a woman without attacking her morals, because honey as a  woman when you attack other women's morals you are just propagating this Neanderthal mentality that women's bodies must be hidden because men, are too weak, too stupid, or insert a weakness here... to control themselves around women. If you think about it and  you're into equality and feminism, you expect both genders to treat both genders as intelligent human beings and not judge women who  dress a certain way and think men are too weak to control themselves around women.....


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