Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sixth Month Anniversary of the Syrian Uprising against the Regime.

Syrian protesters are urging for mass demonstrations today to emphasize that it is the 6th month anniversary of the uprisings. The first demonstrations were March 15, 2011.  The news media in Syria are still trying to convince the world of it's lies. The best of all it's fabrications is this video - which the protesters have named "Addounia TV hitting the crack pipe"

On another note I would like to thank Canadian Ambassador to Syria, his excellency Mr. Glenn V. Davidson, for attending the funeral of activist martyr Gayath Matar earlier this week.  He was among a larger diplomatic group of ambassadors there for the funeral, along with the American, French, British, Japanese and a few others.  Sadly as long as their delegation was at the funeral things were orderly. The minute they left, the tear gas and bullets came flying out.

I keep praying each day in hopes that the Syrian Regime collapses. I've also been burning candles every other day in memory of those who have fallen, who's numbers keep rising.  The saddest thing I've heard is that in some Syrian intelligence report, it is suggested that no more then 20 civilians get killed a day so to not anger the rest of the world too much.  So 20 Syrians a day is no big deal. But it does amount to 7500 after a year. But I guess to Bashar, they are just "germs" to use his words from one of  his speeches.

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