Saturday, May 07, 2011

We have no more Za'atar

If you're Lebanese, Syrian or somewhere else in the Middle East where this is commonly eaten, you know being out of Za'atar is bad. I mean I could pick some up at Akhavan, but my hubby is fussy as to the Za'atar he likes. It has to be the one from a particular village in Syria. I still have not been able to retain this.

Lucky for him, last fall when a friend travelled home, she brought him back as a gift, a large bag of his favourite seasoning. We finished it this week. The sad part is this morning I was pining to make an omelette with Za'atar and Kashkaval cheese. There isn't enough Kashkaval to make anything and there is no more Za'atar. *sigh* 

Considering my strict diet, there isn't much I can eat, and I get so disappointed when what I want to eat is not available.  I know I sound like a whiner.

The biggest problem in my life today is not having instantly the food I want, when others want a more basic human right, like freedom. Freedom to assemble, freedom to hold unpopular ideas, freedom to say things against the government, freedom knowing that no matter what I blog about, I won't be tossed in jail.

1 comment:

  1. we now have za'atar again... but i am not sure i like the mixture...


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