Friday, February 07, 2014

Sunlight soap bars mom used to scrub every stain on the clothes with sunlight soap before throwing it in the washing machine. She had no faith that the machine would clean the clothes as well as she could . But then she could wear the same shirt 5 days in a row.  The collar would get rather greyish.

Last time I found sunlight soap I stocked up and it's been a while since I've seen it in a supermarket but I've found it available at home hardware today by Googling. Will be buying a few bars in the upcoming weeks.

What I love about this soap is that you can use it to whiten fabrics that you can not bleach. I have a little white handkerchief I keep in my purse,which tends to get yellowed in the purse.   I wet the item and lather it well with sunlight soap. Then it put it out in the sun until it's dried.  I'll then rinse it out and see if the stains/yellow is gone, if I'm not satisfied I'll do it a few more times.  Drying out in sunlight is key. After a few times, your item is nice and white and has no more stains.  

If wanting to remove stains on non white items, you can lather it up with sunlight soap but let it sit in the sink for a few hours soaking with the soap, then toss it in the laundry with the other clothing articles.

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