Tuesday, July 05, 2011

New white dress popular with felines.

Yesterday I ironed and try out a dress I bought a month or two ago and haven't worn yet. It's a white sundress, with blue flowers best worn in the heat of the summer.  I left it on the ironing board after trying on the dress.  

Well first I found Spock, on the ironing board passed out on the dress mid-afternoon. I had to shoo him off and re-position the dress. A few hours later when I went to sleep, I noticed Jethro was lying on the ground next to the ironing board. That's when I realized he was asleep on the dress, he had knocked to the ground.  I shooed him off the dress and put it back on the ironing board for the night. 

This morning I had to iron the dress all over again it was all wrinkled. I'm not even going to comment on how much cat hair is now on the dress.

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