Hubby tries to go to sleep earlier then me but I'm sure he fails because there's a percentage of the time, where just trying to go to the bathroom a few feet away is an adventure. I don't open lights in the middle of the night because that would wake me up and then I'd be hyper for 3 more hours.
So I go around blundering in the dark. Most nights it sounds like this:
Random creaking of wood floor.
A muffled thump.
Sound of a herd of elephants dispersing
"Jesuuuuuus fucken christ, one day I'm going to kill myself tripping over one of you." in soft voice.
At the patio door, Pixie, Ziva, Spock. Jethro is on the chair |
Most of the time it's Spock I'm tripping over. It's like he waits in ambush in my bathroom for me. If it's not him, it's Pixie. Tonight first I tripped over Spock, and when I was giggling over what it must sound like to others and walking back it was Ziva who bolted, bumped into me and flew down the stairs. That had me in stitches for a couple more minutes.
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