Monday, April 25, 2011

Canadian Tire disorganized, manager surly

I went to Canadian Tire in Kirkland this morning to pick up a few items including some "Color my Garden" black CIL Cedar Mulch that was $2 off. You buy them at the cash and pick them up with your vehicle at their gate.  It was obvious the kid working there wasn't the sharpest in the drawer, since he needed the help of another clerk to figure out which mulch the folks before me bought.

After waiting what seemed like 20 minutes, he finally gets to me, tells me to pull my truck near the mulch. That's when they start to panic because there was 7 packages and I had bought 10. In the end there was only 7 to be had, they had to get the manager who told the kid he needed to take me to the cash to get me a refund since they didn't have it now, but they may have it this afternoon.  The kid was telling me to follow him and the bags weren't even in my truck.

The manager was surly and not very nice, considering it's not like *I* complained. I paid for product they didn't have. I was not responsible for the blunder, they were. I didn't ask to speak to a manager. The two boys who coulnd't find more of the mulch went to get the manager.

She made me feel like somehow I was a HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS and  I should be more understanding that even though I was in before noon, and the product is clearly advertised in their flyer and on their website, that it's normal for them to sell product they don't have.  Then it's a HUGE INCONVENIENCE for them to refund the poor SCHMUCK who bought them in good faith. 

That's OK, what goes around comes around.  If she has no tolerance for people perhaps she should get a job restocking shelves at night. What's for sure is karma will get her. She'll meet someone as surly as her I can guarantee it.

I didn't feel like an appreciated client that's for sure. I felt  like how dare I buy something they didn't have in stock and made HER look bad. DO you think she apologized for store not having it? NO. She made it sound like I  was being totally unreasonable for buying 10 so early in the season.

1 comment:

  1. Sammies2:33 pm

    tsk tsk mom, inconveniencing the poor Canadian Tire manager @.@


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