I've figured out that buddy is a silver spotted tabby Savannah, and he is currently in his fuzzies stage. A stage where his serval ancestor would have extra longer white fur to dilute his spots so that they camouflage better in the wild. The fuzzies arrive at the age the kittens start to explore, and helps them hide better in the brush. I've been reading that Silver spotted tabby Savannah's fur can change quite a bit before coming to the final colouring. I expect buddy to be a sandy colour and have very intense spots. I never saw photos of him before the fuzzies.
I'm also sure I have a Savannah. His hind legs are longer than his front legs. His body is extra long. His head is not very big but his ears are and are straight on top of his head rather then on the side. As well his eyes are almond shaped and have a hood around them. The shape of his face, he has a pointed nose! He's extremely smart, probably the smartest cat I've owned. He's jumps quite high already and while most acts run up trees, he can run down trees! He's almost as tall as Toby and he's as long as him at 5 months of age!
Serval - Looks a bit like how buddy will look as a adult |
I was looking at serval's the other day and found a photo of one that reminds me of buddy. Except for the eye colour. This serval seems to have bluish eyes. Either way he's beautiful looking. It might even be a female since the face is very slim or maybe a young male. It takes usually 2-3 years for the fur to thicken around the face in some male cats I've owned.