I drove to Curran Ontario, to the whispering pines campsite, to attend Music in the pines. Part of the reason I did it is I just had to get away from the city. The other reason was that I could see my friends a bit, though I knew they were going to be vending food and busy.
I arrived around 8:15pm. I had made a pit stop in Hawksbury to fill my gas tank. Car empty went ding just as I got to the Hawksbury exit, so it was perfect. I payed $1.345. It was $1.469 in Montreal.
I found my friends tent, and went to look for them to make sure it was the right tent. I had maybe 45 minutes of daylight and wanted to make sure my tent was up in that time frame. I put up my tent, and then went to find my friends on the beach, they had just closed their kiosk for the night. We sat and listened first to Jamfola and the sound crew get the sound just right for a good 30 minutes before we were treated to Jamfola. They were a lot of fun. They had also included Eric Mandala. It was fun listening to the drums along with all the different instruments. Lots of good beats.
They stopped playing on the stage at roughly midnight but continued to play drums around the fire for some time. Around 1am we retired to our tents but I heard the beat of the drums as I fell asleep.
Lake at whispering Pines. |
The next morning I was awake at dawn but didn't get up until 9am. Then I took ,my new neon green folding chair, parked it right next to Octopus Garden Kiosk, in the shade of their tent. From there I could see the lake I can hear the music and/or performers, and I got to see some of the members of Jamfola and their significant others, children and friends interact. It's fun to see them as people not just as performers, they were interesting to listen to. Sometimes it's fun to be a fly in the wall.
My allergies were really bad, with the trees that pollinates with giant white airborne fluff balls. Between those and grass pollen I was worn out by about 6:30pm and went for a nap. I lay in my tent just enjoying the music of first Party Fusion Groove. Loved their cover of Riders on the storm and a few others they did were awesome. Then I enjoyed the Mosquitoes playing. Music stopped around midnight and then there was the drum circle. I fell asleep shortly after the drumming started.