Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sunlight soap whitens without bleach

Two weeks ago I took out my white leggings out of my leggings drawer because I wanted to wear them under a dress only to realize that there was a pinkish stain in the upper part and it seemed like it had stains around the knees. The fabric was also a touch yellowed.  The leggings are part cotton and part spandex, not something you should bleach.

Took a bar of sunlight soap and lathered the leggings completely, thick with soap. Then hung the leggings as is on the clothes line. Left them out for 2 days, then took them back in rinsed them and resoaped them a second time. Left them again for a few days,  out in the sun.  Then I tossed them in the wash with a load of whites.

Those leggings that were a disgusting colour and full of stains are now perfectly white and ready to wear. And no damage on the fabric.

I remember asking myself as a kid why the sun was called "Sunlight". Well it's obvious. If you wash your clothes with it and put them out in the sun, the sun light will help them get white :)

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