Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today's American children are some of the most spoiled children EVER!

It's something I've been thinking for a long time and lord knows I was chastised by my ex, his current wife and plenty of other people for being a 'bad mom' because I expected my children to help themselves.  If my child was old enough to put on his shoes and tie them I expected them to! Imagine!

I can still remember the kid in my eldest' preschool class, who's mom had asked me to take him to the class with my daughter one day, who expect me to take off his shoes! He was 4. I can understand some 4 year olds not being able to make a bow on a shoe lace, but just taking them off? A baby can take off his shoes if they are so determined!!!! I remember looking at the child and saying "Well I can wait all afternoon, you're the one missing the fun activities". In the end he took off his shoes by himself.

I was reading an article today about this phenomenon of spoiled children and it's spot on. 

I'm also grateful that I ignored all the stupid comments I received and continued to teach my daughters how to be self-sufficient, resourceful, and capable of taking care of themselves.  Because expecting others to do everything for you is going to create an entire generation of wankers!

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