Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February over at Midnight!

Finally the last day of February - the month that is short but still too long!  Also bear is mind that February is Black History month - and although it's not as promoted as much as it used to 20 years ago, Africa is the cradle of civilization so black History is technically everyone's history.

I wish I could say it was over in Syria. Nearing the first year anniversary of the start of the Syrian revolution and Bashar's thugs are still killing with impunity. Homs the city besieged is still in desperate need of food and medical supplies. The two journalists that were injured in Homs are now in Lebanon, but to what cost of Syrian lives? 

I'll be marching with my Syrian friends on March 17th, in solidarity with the Syrian people to mark the one year of the start of the Syrian revolution.  I remember last February when things were going on in Tunisia and Egypt, I said Syria was next, hubby said it was unlikely. Well a year later they are still pushing on. There is no turning back. Syria can never be run by Al-Assad again.

My prayers as always are with the Syrian people. Inshallah, they will win!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure they will win. Syrians have a long history of standing for what they believe, even in the face of war. They showed the Ottomans and the French just that. Anyone should be wary to try and oppress the Syrian people.


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