Thursday, December 30, 2010

Justin Bieber and the Ground Zero Mosque

Even though I'm Canadian until a few months ago I didn't know what a Justin Bieber was. I don't have teen daughters and I don't listen to much radio.  The first I heard about him was at my hair dressers. Anyone who knows me, knows I go there infrequently at best, so that in itself is amusing.

So the first thing I heard about him was that it seemed 7-13 year old boys were getting their hair cut like him. Though most wouldn't admit it was a Bieber cut they were getting.  Of course over time I've heard more comments and jokes about him, not enough to have an opinion, but enough to know he's a teen heart throb and all the jokes that come from it. 

Today I was giggling myself silly when I realized that some web site made a hoax about Bieber having commented about the ground zero mosque in Teen Beat Magazine. [Anyone who read teenbeat magazine would know they would never ask about something like this, but I digress....]

So some hard core anti-ground zero mosque activist [Which is neither a Mosque nor on the ground zero site, but a Muslim community center several blocks away... but I'm digressing again] is now boycotting Justin Bieber along with his children. I'm still laughing. There's now hundreds of people boycotting Justin Bieber over this.

As for Mosques, they are sprouting up like mushrooms throughout north America. So long as Canada stays secular, I'm all for freedom of religion and Muslims have a right to a place to worship

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