Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tablet addiction.

Zoey has been completely addicted to her tablet since she got it after we got back from Halifax. The first few days she literally didn't sleep. She spent 24/7 on that thing. It got bad to the point where school complained she was sleeping on her desk.

Last night her dad went to work and he told her lights out was at 11.  At 11:45 Ziva and Toby had a spat and she just ran out of her room to check it out. She did not look the least bit asleep. As she had not even gone to bed yet.

This morning I woke her up at the usual time, but she was fast asleep by the time dad arrived home to take her to school. 

I don't like being played for a fool.  Starting now, any time her dad goes off to work at 11pm, the internet will stop working on her tablet. Right now I'd like to give the device a name so I can find it on my router to put it on a schedule, but I can brute force it by removing the MAC address every night the minute dad leaves. The tablet really isn't much fun without the internet.  I'd rather do that then to have to be a drill Sergeant. Didn't like being the enforcer back then still don't like it.

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