Thursday, March 05, 2015

People suck!

I don't mean that in a sexual way or a good way.  Lots of people on this earth are selfish narcissistic assholes. One of the New Delhi rapists, the one who was driving the bus was interviewed about his predicament, and he clearly puts the blame on women for being raped. She was out of her house past 9 pm.  She fought back? Now all women who are raped in New Delhi will be killed because of the bigger penalties he says. He also says it's all the woman's fault for being raped.

I still think in countries where rape is rampant, curfews should be put on males. After all they do the raping!  The view that a woman was asking for it, just drives me batty.  Like saying just because you breathe you deserve to be raped.

Suggestions for avoiding rape include dressing more conservatively, not flirting, staying home etc... Like WHAT THE FUCK?  Have they read statistics, men rape for POWER. They don't care if you're pretty, or sexy or young, or  what have you. Women are raped at all time of the day, NOT JUST AT NIGHT, like everyone would have us believe.  It was still light outside when I was raped.

People suck also because they are judgmental assholes.  It's like they think that people going through financial difficulties should not live. Before people give others help they judge them, and decide if they are worthy of help.

Even people going through a rough time need some form of entertainment, otherwise how the fuck do you expect them to get through the rough time.   A steady diet of austerity combined with depression and other hardships isn't going to help the person get out of their miserable situation. Occasionally you need a pick me up.  Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture and not just at an immediate situation.  You have to look at the sacrifices they made in one aspect of their life so that they may indulge a little bit from time to time, even when going through a more difficult period.

Most of my friends are going through financial hardships. My buddy in Ottawa, my friends in the townships, my friend who is living with me, my Lebanese Ex hubby,  my friend in Ireland..... I don't' judge them. I don't start looking for fleas... "Oh she went out Friday night, she can't really be struggling".   Yeah she went out, and had 1 drink that her friend paid. And you're going to judge her for that?  She should stay home and cry because she is broke?  Or he's having beef for dinner he can't possibly be broke, but you don't know he has a farmer friend that gives him meat in exchange for services rendered. And you're going to judge him for that? Or worse they smoke cigarettes or weed, and people expect them to stop cold turkey because stopping those activities are going to be enough to make ends meet? Seriously?

It's always easy calling the kettle black, but sometimes the pot should look at itself closely. Perhaps the pot is just as black and acting like a complete douche canoe!. Or in French we like to say you notice the straw in your friends eye but not the beam in your own..  "On voit la paille dans l'oeil de son voisin, mais pas la poutre  dans le sien " 

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