Wednesday, August 07, 2013

What's with the stinking perfume?

I've always hated walking into huge department stores that have their entire perfume section in front of an entrance and you have to go through the section if you walk in through that door. This is the case with The Bay, Sears and whatever Eaton's might still be opened.  The thing is, you can  go in via another door, which is what I usually do to not set off my asthma.

However what brilliant moron decided it was a good idea to do this at a pharmacy? If I go into many Pharmaprix' you need to walk through their perfume section to get anywhere near the prescriptions. I tend to hold my breath and make a production of it, to make people realize that it's really not cool to set people's allergies like that. The thing about Pharmaprix is that there is NO OTHER entrance that I can use to get to the prescriptions counter. I MUST go through the perfume.

Main reason I get my prescriptions at Loblaws, where I need not walk through perfume and set off my asthma.

1 comment:

  1. Both my children have asthma so I hear you. Too many smells and chemicals in the world anyway.


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