Friday, January 27, 2012

When rescuing becomes a disease

Interesting article on Slate on overprotective animal rescue groups. I noticed myself when I rescued Pixie, that the questionnaire was long. and we had to visit, me and the girls a month before we got to adopt the cat. I guess she was a rescuer who was fine with people with children. It could also be the way we were with the cat when we visited and in general all the pets. 

When I rescued Zeke, the rescuer came to see me with 2 cats. and also I suppose check me out to see if I was suitable. She talked with me for an hour while she watched the way Zeke just settled on my lap. I mean he wasn't my first choice for a cat, but after having him on my lap for one hour I knew he needed a home and he'd be happy. Sadly the rescuer 'lied' to me telling me the cat was 1 1/2 years when I adopted him. Turns out he was probably closer to 8 or 10. 

It's pretty sad when people who claim to rescue become hoarders and end up hurting animals instead of doing good by them.

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