Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Syria deceiving the Arab League???

Would the Syrian Regime do that?  Damn right they would. It's crazy that the Syrian Regime still thinks we believe their crazy lies. 

Here's a BBC article about the situation.

Here's an interview with a guy who's just defected: [Video was in Arabic so no point in posting it here]

What is your motive behind this defection?

I just can’t accept what is being said about armed and terrorist groups. And no sane mind can take that! And I assure you that there is NO armed groups on the streets, just peaceful protestors.
The ministry of defense, which he works in, is surrounded by intelligences branches. We saw the arrested individuals being blind folded and handcuffed behind their backs and taken to the intelligences basements (where they are tortured)
I saw the security forces with their vehicles and 4x4 cars moving towards the protestors to kill them.

The Free Syrian Army: they are honorable people which I know, since I work at the ministry of defense, they defected because they weren’t able to kill the protestors as they were ordered.
Reporter: You may be accused of repeating what the opposition is saying and there is no evidence or collaboration to what you are saying. How do you reply to that?
I was the one responsible for the financial reports. The Syrian Regime spent 2 billion Syria pounds to pay their thugs and all these are documented. And I saw with my own eyes they paid the shabiha to kill the protestors.

What is your opinion regarding the ministers and government official inside Syria?
- I believe they are “incarcerated”
How can you describe the state of the Syrian Regime? Especially that the opposition says that there are a lot of people who are waiting for the proper time to defect
“The regime is collapsing, it is falling apart.”
The regime is bombing the cities with airplanes especially the cities that represent a mighty state like Homs and some towns in Damascus Rural. The situation is out of their control”
I can assure you that 80% of the Syrian officials want to defect but they fear their lives and their families’ lives as well, so they calculate each step they want to take. I know because I am one of them.

How can you describe the regime’s financial situation?
It is too bad. They are receiving financial help from Iran, Iraq, and rich business men who support the regime like Rami Makhlouf. They are doing this thinking that they can control the revolution but they can’t and will not because the revolution is chantingr “to die is better than to live humiliated”. I saw the protestors and have taken part in protesting as well. I used old Arabic clothes,
in order not to be recognized, and shared in the protests.

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