Saturday, March 17, 2007

Gotta love the Nor'Easters

Sitting in my bedroom, I can hear the vent on my roof whining. The only time I hear that is when it is pretty windy out. Apparently it's 40Km winds. It seems stronger, just from the noise it's making and from how the birch tree in the front lawn is swaying.

Of course there will not be that much snow falling. 15cm's is nothing. I miss the big snowstorms of my youth. I think so long as I live on the Island of Montreal I won't see those anymore. Though moving 100km anywhere off the island would probably give me the snow I crave.

I love to watch it snow and am enjoying it now. Would be more fun if it wasn't in the city. Can't win them all. Sadly we don't get the full brunt of the nor'easters most of the time in Montreal. Between not being east enough and an island we just get the tail ends.


Sigh, there was only 8 episodes of Little Mosque on the Prairie. I hope they make more shows for next fall. It promises to be as big of a hit as Corner Gas. Which also had their season finale last week.. with episode19. Can't complain there, this was the longest season they had. Love that show too. I was looking forward to go home both Monday and Wednesday nights just to watch the show,and if I happen to miss it, find it online and still watch it. Did not miss one episode of either show. But it's over for this year *sigh*

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